Moving Still


Tom McSorley

A record of a peripatetic life, dispatches from those in-between moments in both time and space, highlighting the paradoxical intensities of transience.

With a foreword by award-winning filmmaker Atom Egoyan.

This second volume of Tom McSorley's poetry wistfully ponders the awareness of being elsewhere, abroad, sometimes lost, often just passing through, near and far, but always alert to the immediate and historical present. There are poems here as well about being at home in his vast Canada and his encounters with people from other cultures, traditions, and expectations. Wherever he finds himself, though, McSorley's project is to seek to name that ache coloring our fleeting grasp of ourselves in time and the world.

Publication date: Apr. 25, 2023
Publisher: Elboro Press
ISBN: 978-1-7379274-5-7
Perfect Bound Paperback, 90 pages
Dimensions: 4.25” x 7”
Retail Price: $9.99

Tom McSorley is a writer who lives in Ottawa, Canada. A Canadian film critic and scholar, he is the Executive Director of the Canadian Film Institute, teaches Film Studies at Carleton University, and comments weekly on cinema for the CBC Radio One program, Ottawa Morning.